
Move Over Law By Province (Canada Only)

A motorist may not drive more than 60 kph or the maximum speed limit, whichever is lower, if the vehicle is travelling on the same side of the highway and in the lane immediately adjacent as a stopped emergency vehicle or tow truck, and is passing the stopped emergency vehicle or tow truck when its flashing lamps are operating.

British Columbia
Drivers approaching a stopped emergency vehicle, including tow trucks, displaying flashing lights must slow down, and if traffic permits, move over into the adjacent lane in order to pass by.

Drivers approaching a stopped roadside assistance vehicle, including a tow truck, must slow down and pass the stopped vehicle only if safe to do so.

New Brunswick
Drivers approaching a stopped emergency vehicle equipped with at least one flashing red light must slow down, proceed with caution, and move to a non-adjacent lane, if possible.

Newfoundland and Labrador
Upon approaching an emergency vehicle, including a tow truck, that is stopped on a highway with its emergency lights activated, the driver of a vehicle travelling on the same side of the highway shall slow down and proceed with caution and move to a non-adjacent lane if it is safe to do so.

Northwest Territories
A driver must reduce his speed to half the posted speed limit when passing within 120m of a stopped emergency or enforcement vehicle with lights flashing.

Nova Scotia
Drivers passing a stopped emergency vehicle with flashing lights must decrease speed to the speed limit or 60 kph, whichever is less, and must vacate the lane closet to the stopped vehicle, if safe to do so.

No requirement to slow down and/or move to an adjacent lane when passing stopped emergency vehicles.

Upon approaching an emergency vehicle, including a tow truck, that is stopped on a highway with its emergency lights activated, the driver of a vehicle travelling on the same side of the highway shall slow down and proceed with caution and move to a non-adjacent lane if it is safe to do so.

Prince Edward Island
Drivers passing a stopped emergency vehicle with flashing lights must decrease speed to lesson more than half the posted speed limit, and must vacate the lane closest to the stopped vehicle, if safe to do so.

Upon approaching an emergency vehicle, including a tow truck, that is stopped on a highway with its emergency lights activated, the driver of a vehicle travelling on the same side of the highway shall slow down and proceed with caution and move to a non-adjacent lane if it is safe to do so.

Prohibits driving greater than 60kph while passing highway workers or equipment, emergency vehicles stopped with emergency lights flashing, and tow trucks stopped with amber lights flashing, road construction vehicles with lights flashing, and distinctively lit Ministry of Highways vehicles.

Yukon has no Move Over law.